The Young Nationals oppose Labor’s reckless Social Media Ban

On the 20th of November 2024, the Young Nationals released the below statement opposing Labor’s reckless, unfair and dangerous policy of banning young people under the age of 16 from using social media platforms:

Cyber bullying is a scourge on our society and affects many Australians, but banning young people from online platforms is not the answer.

Banning platforms only pushes underage social media users to find ways around cyber-protections, putting them at higher risk of being exposed to dangerous online behaviours and content.

Without parental supervision, children can access social media platforms in secret, making it even harder to monitor and guide their online experiences.

Advocacy groups and mental health professionals stress that increasing awareness and access to support services is key to effectively addressing cyberbullying.

A blanket ban on social media for young people will stifle the learning of key digital competencies in an increasingly tech-driven society.

Requiring age verification will inevitably compromise user privacy, as overseas platforms collect and store sensitive personal data, such as driver’s licences and passports.

Rather than banning young people from using social media, Labor should be focusing on real outcomes.

The Young Nationals are urging the government to prioritise stronger anti-bullying programs and mental health support instead of punitive restrictions that leave children more vulnerable online.